I email a national terrorist hotline because I feel that on Halloween day in New York there will be a terrorist attack. I feel that the terrorists think that things have been so quiet for so long, it will really hurt the Americans. Halloween is over a week away.

A friend of mine passed away a year ago. I saw a woman driving a car one day, suddenly my friend’s face replaced the lady’s face and I knew she had a message to give me. But she didn’t speak yet. Then a few days later she showed me herself, her face over another woman’s face as the woman was driving past me. So I feel her and I see her so clearly now. I say this to her. I say “I don’t know why you are so strong today, but man your spirit is strong“. She shows me her daughters. She speaks in her native language to me, which is not English. She says she needs them to speak her language. She loves them so much and I’m to tell them. I can’t understand her language but somehow I understand everything she means and says.

She goes out of my mind then.

That night I open Facebook and it tells me that it was my friend’s birthday that very day. This is why she was so clear and why her daughters’ wellbeing was so relevant on this day.

Another day during the week, I feel something is wrong with a dear friend. I message her positively. I just want to connect. She’ll tell me if something is wrong and she needs me. She messages back. Something is very wrong in her world. I am able to give her my love. I love her so much.

I do several readings for someone just because I love them also and they really need it to help them get through a sticky situation.

The day before Halloween in America I am driving in the car with my husband. I start shaking in my chest and I tell him that I am shaking and it is terrorism, in New York, on Halloween, the very next day. He says you just had coffee. No, I reply, that was hours ago, I know what this is, this is like 9/11, Madrid and all those times I’ve felt terrorism before it happened.

That night I email the terrorist hotline again. There will be a terrorist act in New York on Halloween Day. I pray I’m wrong. But I’m pretty sure I’m not.

I wake on the 1st November to news that yes, the worst terrorist attack in New York since 9/11 has occurred; a truck has ploughed through people and 8 people are dead so far.

I feel sad but I feel determined. I’ll keep listening to my psychic intuition, I’ll keep trying to use it to help others. This feeling is so strong within me, it’s like a calling, like something bigger is pushing me, leading me.

This is my psychic week.
